Elaine Robertson


Role :
Harass the members for their monthly payments, PR & Marketing

Where are you based?
I reside in Beckenham, well Anerley, I like to say Beckenham Kent as I am just around the corner. I work in Liverpool Street.

What other hobbies do you have?

Apart from skiing, I do like to socialise, go to the Theatre, cinema, when I get the chance I do like doing Zumba. Oh yes I almost forget that I go to church on Sundays.

Nubian Ski Organiser/Member Since?

I am one of the original founders of Nubian ski since 2000. I have been on 99% of the trips apart from Banff when I was having my daughter.

What do you most enjoy about Nubian Ski?

I enjoying getting to know other people, as I am the one chasing the members for money each month, I learn the names very quickly, when we meet for the first time I feel as I already know the person. The social aspect of Nubian Ski, such as our events, i.e. picnic in the park, Christmas parties. It is a great way to meet and make new friends.

Most memorable ski moments

The very first time I experienced skiing, it was absolutely fantastic I still love it to this day. I have made long time friends and we are still close friends 15 years later.

I remember going to Keystone in 2000, skiing and partying hard, and surviving on just 4-5 hours sleep per night. I needed another holiday to recover when I got home.

There are so many memorable moments what happens at skiing stays at skiing!!!

Favourite Ski Resort:
Well it quite hard to choose as I have thoroughly enjoyed most of the trips, especially the twin centres. I have a couple of favourite ski resorts. Japan was my favourite that was a awesome trip, the best ever. Whistler comes in at second, I could go on but I will stop at two.

Best Ski Holiday Tip:

It is important to get fit if you can prior to going skiing, this will prevent the aches and pains by years of not exercising. You will also feel energise ready for the evening activities.

Best way to contact me:

The best way to contact me is either by texting, emails or calling me in the evenings or weekends. E: Elaine@nubianski.com M: 07958523221